Sunday, January 10, 2010

Oh geez....

What have I gotten myself into now? A blog?!? Ginger already says I spend too much time on the darn computer as it is! Hehehe...

As I think most are aware, I recently treated the Benson family to a computer upgrade. I replaced our rickety old Windows machine with a sleek, shiny new iMac from Apple. Never mind that two days later, Apple announced bigger, better iMacs that made mine look paltry by comparison...but I digress....

So we're now officially Mac users, and I can't say I miss the old Windows machine....not a lick! The iMac is an absolute pleasure to use in every way and having it has caused me to spend much more time surfing the Internet. I've been spending a bunch of time doing tons of reading on dGrin, Strobist, and my latest favorite, The CoffeeShop. All of that reading has been fueling my creativity for photography and digital imaging so I'm looking for a new outlet to share what I've been working on (and what I hope to continue working on in the future). I guess in the end I see this blog as a more wordy extension of my smugmug site (which is also in need of some attention...hang in there smugy). Hopefully I can use both to better share the happenings of the Haymarket Bensons.


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